INOVEDS team has national and international academic and professional background in fields like engineering, economics, educational sciences, public administration and statistics. Our team has insight knowledge of social challenges, ongoing processes and developments in Turkey. INOVEDS's valuable team with highest expertise and top level experience focusses on social development.
INOVEDS team is composed of experts working as Team Leaders in EU projects, academics, researchers, procurement specialists, business development managers and business executives. For more than 30 years, the team members have been actively involved in scientific studies, strategic plans, business operations, technical assistance and development projects financed by donor organisations such as European Commission, World Bank, United Nations with hands on experience in numerous research, procurement, assessment, evaluation, auditing as well as conferences and symposiums.
Focusing on an important subject such as social development makes it mandatory to undertake responsibility for developing precise and scientific solutions. INOVEDS cooperates with professionals, national/international experts and scientists for reaching the ultimate perfection. Strengthened with these multidisxiplinary collaborations INOVEDS actuates this strength to learn, research and to improve its solutions. We welcome anybody who wants to share our vision, enthusiasm and journey for a happier and more prosperous society. Our career development processes are structured to foster mutual collaboration.
INOVEDS has a pioneer role in Turkey for delivering services based on scientific research and aiming continuous capacity development rather than focusing on short term goals that can be accomplished sooner. Our solutions make it possible for organisations to reach professional support enabling them to attain their strategic goals and keep on their development also in future.
With our collaborating staff, we will be present wherever we are needed next to organisations. We will be following International Organisations, especially the EU, international studies like PISA, skills needed in the 21st century, global best practices and will work for bringing all endeavours of social developments in the world to Turkey.