INOVEDS is a research, consultancy and education company in Turkey, collaborating with public, private, academic and civil society organisations for a more advanced and prosperous society. We are continuously following up international developments related to social improvement, joining efforts to solve global challenges, involved in scientific work and offering high quality services to support for our partners. Innovation is our main focus in every field we are involved in, and this enables us to provide professional services for organisations, employees and all related stakeholders to succesfully position for the future.
Preparing for the future, even shaping it, is in our hands.
In today’s world where technology and science are rapidly advancing and knowledge is becoming more valuable, improving social processes by innovating actions is crucial for better lives and a secure future.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals were adopted to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. The goals are guiding the international community in order to face the global challenges.
In his Fourth Biennial Lecture on Climate Change at 3 July 2019, Angel Gurria joined the raising voices of youth against climate change. He pointed out that the actions are legitimate for our common future and the need for urgent, strong, co-operative action based on mutual trust and understanding has never been higher.
People today are living longer than ever before, but what is a boon for individuals can be challenging for societies.
The Future of Work? Work of the Future!
European Political Strategy Center (EPSC) of the European Commission released a document focusing on Artificial Intelligence and how it transforms lives.
INOVEDS & Education in Emergencies
INOVEDS is committed to research and collaboration on social issues that are considered to be important in Turkey's future. Among them, the education of Syrian children ...